Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Post

So, I don't blog.  In fact, I don't really like the word "blog" all that much, but since we have moved across the country, I figure this would be a good way for everyone to keep up with us.  Right now, just words (since I don't have a camera), but once L gets out here we will be putting up pictures of our adventures, friends, etc.

So far here is what has happened:

Moved in
Go to Bar Class
Go to Church
Try to unpack in spare time

That is pretty much it.  New cities aren't nearly as fun without your partner in crime, so expect some updates come Wednesday or Thursday of next week.



  1. I look forward to seeing what happens!

  2. Nothing is as much fun without the partner in crime :)

    Keep on plugging away. The Bar will be over one day.

    Big Sis
